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The page response

Superglue expects your JSON responses to contain the following attributes. If you used Superglue's generators, this would be all set for you in application.json.props.

  data: {


Passed to your page component as its props. In a Superglue application, this would be the contents of your templates, e.g., index.json.props. Note that csrfToken, fragments, and pageKey will be merged with your props. ownProps are also merged when navigating


A string to instruct Superglue which component to render. The generated application.json.props will set this to the active_template_virtual_path (added by props_template), but you can customize this to fit your needs.

# application.json.props
json.componentIdentifier active_template_virtual_path

You can control which componentIdentifier will render which component in the page_to_page_mapping.js.


An array of asset fingerprint strings. Used by Superglue to detect the need to refresh the browser due to new assets. You can control the refresh behavior in application_visit.js.


The authenticity token that Superglue will use for non-GET request made by using visit or remote thunks. This includes forms that have the data-sg-visit or data-sg-remote attribute.

action and path

Only included when props_at is part of the request parameters. action is always set to graft and path is the camelCase keypath to the requested node. Superglue uses these attributes to immutably graft a node from the server-side to the client-side.


An UNIX timestamp representing the time the response was rendered.


An array of fragments. In application.json.props this is set to json.fragments!.


By specifying the restore strategy used (fromCacheOnly, revisitOnly, or fromCacheAndRevisitInBackground), you can control what superglue does when encountering the page again when pressing the back or forward browser navigation buttons.

  • fromCacheAndRevisitInBackground will transition to the cached page, then issue a visit in the background, redirecting and replacing history if needed. This is the option set in application.json.props when using the generators.
  • revisitOnly will always issue a visit request in the background before
  • fromCacheOnly will only restore the page from cache transitioning


An object merged with the initialState when implementing buildStore inside of application.js. You can use this as the initial state for redux slices. Take advantage of the SAVE_RESPONSE to continually update your slice everytime superglue recieves a new page request.