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When you need more functionality than what UJS offers, Superglue comes with two functions that wrap around fetch, visit and remote.


visit is designed to mimic browser navigation for clicks and form submissions without the impact of a full page reload. There can be only one visit at a time and when successful visit will swap out the current page component for the next one.

At glance it looks like this:

    Browser ->> Superglue: Click request to `/posts/new` intercepted
    activate Superglue
    Superglue -->> Server: Re-request with format JSON `/posts/new.json`
    activate Server
    Server -->> Superglue: `/posts/new.json` response
    Superglue -->> Superglue: Save response and swap page components
    deactivate Server
    Superglue -->> Browser: Update browser history, scroll position
    deactivate Superglue


Its possible to modify the visit payload before it saves to the store. See the beforeSave callback.


Use remote when you want to asynchronously update parts of a page or save a page to the store without swapping the page component or change the browser history. Unlike visit, you can fire off as many async remote requests as you want.


Its possible to modify the remote payload before it saves to the store. See the beforeSave callback.

By default, remote saves or updates the response to the current page that the user is seeing. At glance it looks like this:

  alt target default current page
    Browser ->> Superglue: Click request to `/posts/new` intercepted
    activate Superglue
    Superglue -->> Server: Re-request with format JSON `/posts/new.json`
    activate Server
    Server -->> Superglue: `/posts/new.json` response
    Superglue -->> Superglue: Save response or update current page
    Superglue -->> Browser: User on current page sees update
    deactivate Server
    deactivate Superglue

If you provide a pageKey you can also target a different page in your store not visible to the user.

  alt target another page in the store
    Browser ->> Superglue: Click request to `/posts/new` intercepted
    activate Superglue
    Superglue -->> Server: Re-request with format JSON `/posts/new.json`
    activate Server
    Server -->> Superglue: `/posts/new.json` response
    Superglue -->> Superglue: Save response or update target page
    Note right of Browser: User does not see an update to the current page
    deactivate Server
    deactivate Superglue


You can modify the behavior of visit and remote functions globally from application_visit.js. If you need a global customization, e.g, progress bars, you can add them there.

Differences from UJS

Superglue UJS selectively exposes options of visit and remote as data attribute and is architected for forms and links. The visit and remote thunks are functions that return promises, allowing for greater flexibility.