
The following protocols are available globally.

  • This protocol is used when you want to do some async behavior that updates the store. It is very minimal in that it’s not allowed to modify the store directly. The async behavior is done within the call method and to make changes it should dispatch a synchronous action.

    Sample Action:

    struct FetchUsers: DynamicActionType {
        func call() {
            someApi.fetchUsers { users in
                store.dispatch(SetUsersAction(users: users))
    store.dispatch(UpdateIdAction(id: 1))
    See more



    public protocol DynamicActionType
  • A protocol that defines storage of an observable state and dispatch methods to modify it. Typically you will implement this on a struct and create a shared instance that you reference throughout your application to get the state or dispatch actions to change it.

    Sample store:

    struct AppState {
        var id = ObservableProperty(0)
    struct Store: StoreType {
        var state: ObservableProperty<AppState>
    let initialState = AppState()
    var store = Store(state: ObservableProperty(initialState))
    See more



    public protocol StoreType
  • This protocol is used when you want to make modifications to the store’s state. All changes to the store go through this type.

    Sample Action:

    struct UpdateIdAction: ActionType {
        let id: Int
        func reduce(state: AppState) -> AppState {
   = id
            return state
    store.dispatch(UpdateIdAction(id: 1))
    See more



    public protocol ActionType
  • This is the protocol that the state the store holds must implement.

    To use a custom state type, this protocol must be implemented on that object.

    This is useful if you want to plug in a reactive programming library and use that for state instead of the built-in ObservableProperty type.

    See more



    public protocol ObservablePropertyType