Build strategies

Once a factory_bot factory is defined, it can be constructed using any of the built-in build strategies, or a custom build strategy.

All of these strategies notify on the factory_bot.run_factory instrumentation using ActiveSupport::Notifications, passing a payload with :name, :strategy, :traits, :overrides, and :factory keys.

The non-list (.build, .build_pair, .create, etc.) methods take one mandatory argument: the name of the factory. They can then optionally take names of traits, and then a hash of attributes to override. Finally, they can take a block. This block takes the produced object as an argument, and returns an updated object.

The list methods (.build_list, .create_list, etc.) have two required arguments: the name of the factory, and the number of instances to build. They then can optionally take traits and overrides. Finally, they can take a block. This block takes the produced object and the zero-based index as arguments, and returns an updated object.


The method constructs an instance of the class according to initialize_with, which defaults to calling the .new class method. .build_list constructs multiple instances, and .build_pair is a shorthand to construct two instances.

After it calls initialize_with, it invokes the after_build hook.

Associations are constructed using the build build strategy.


The FactoryBot.create method constructs an instance of the class according to initialize_with, and then persists it using to_create. The .create_list class method constructs multiple instances, and .create_pair is a shorthand to construct two instances.

After it calls initialize_with, it invokes the following hooks in order:

  1. after_build
  2. before_create
  3. non-hook: to_create
  4. after_create

Associations are constructed using the create build strategy.

The to_create hook controls how objects are persisted. It takes a block with the object and the factory_bot context, and runs it for its side effect. By default, it calls #save!.


The FactoryBot.attributes_for method constructs a Hash with the attributes and their values, using initialize_with. The attributes_for_pair and attributes_for_list methods work similarly as build_pair and build_list.

Associations are constructed using the null build strategy (they are not built).

No hooks are called.


The FactoryBot.build_stubbed method returns a fake ActiveRecord object. The .build_stubbed_pair and .build_stubbed_list methods are defined similarly to .build_pair and .build_list.

It uses initialize_with to construct the object, but then stubs methods and data as appropriate:

  • id is set sequentially (unless overridden by attributes)
  • created_at and updated_at are set to the current time (unless overridden by attributes)
  • all ActiveModel::Dirty change tracking is cleared
  • persisted? is true
  • new_record? is false
  • destroyed? is false
  • persistence methods raise a RuntimeError (#connection, #delete, #save, #update, etc.)

After it sets up the object it invokes the after_stub hook.


The FactoryBot.null method returns nil. The .null_pair method gives you a pair of nils, and .null_list gives as many nils as you desire. This is used internally.