Using traits

Traits can also be passed in as a list of Symbols when you construct an instance from factory_bot.

factory :user do
  name { "Friendly User" }

  trait :active do
    name { "John Doe" }
    status { :active }

  trait :admin do
    admin { true }

# creates an admin user with :active status and name "Jon Snow"
create(:user, :admin, :active, name: "Jon Snow")

This ability works with build, build_stubbed, attributes_for, and create.

create_list and build_list methods are supported as well. Remember to pass the number of instances to create/build as second parameter, as documented in the "Building or Creating Multiple Records" section of this file.

factory :user do
  name { "Friendly User" }

  trait :admin do
    admin { true }

# creates 3 admin users with :active status and name "Jon Snow"
create_list(:user, 3, :admin, :active, name: "Jon Snow")