With a factory
definition block, you can use add_attribute
, association
, and trait
to define a factory. You can also level a default
definition for potential shortcuts.
Calling an unknown method (e.g. name
, admin
, email
, account
) connects
an association, sequence, trait, or attribute to the factory:
If the method missing is passed a block, it always defines an attribute. This allows you to set the value for the attribute.
If the method missing is passed a hash as a argument with the key
, then it always defines an association. This allows you to override the factory used for the association. -
If there is another factory of the same name, then it defines an association.
If there is a global sequence of the same name, then it defines an attribute with a value that pulls from the sequence.
If there is a trait of the same name for that factory, then it turns that trait on for all builds of this factory.
Using method_missing
can turn an explicit definition:
FactoryBot.define do
sequence(:email) { |n| "person#{n}" }
factory :account
factory :organization
factory :user, traits: [:admin] do
add_attribute(:name) { "Lord Nikon" }
add_attribute(:email) { generate(:email) }
association :account
association :org, factory: :organization
trait :admin do
add_attribute(:admin) { true }
... into a more implicit definition:
FactoryBot.define do
sequence(:email) { |n| "person#{n}" }
factory :account
factory :organization
factory :user do
name { "Lord Nikon" } # no more `add_attribute`
admin # no more :traits
email # no more `add_attribute`
account # no more `association`
org factory: :organization # no more `association`
trait :admin do
admin { true }